What’s this all about then?

This site is for me.

In my working life, in every role I’ve had (I’ve worked in for-profit, not-for-profit, and academic environments), I think it’s fair to say I’ve turned up, paid attention, and have tried to leave things better than I found them.

I have been, and remain, extremely lucky in the work I’ve been able to contribute to and with the quality of the people I have been able to collaborate with.

But, because of the span of my interests, and extent of the work I’ve done, I’ve always struggled as to how to present the different threads as a coherent whole. This site is my current attempt to do that.

I’ve organized the site such the work I’ve contributed to in both the physical and social sciences is clearly documented. You’ll see a section providing insight as to what I’m reading, along with this section wherein I’ll document longer form thoughts and reflections.

Most importantly, I think, is the section on Projects. These Projects represent larger bodies of work, and you’ll read about ongoing engagements to apply scientific methods to firms, efforts to engineer randomness, and my continual fascination with strategies for coping with Wicked Problems.

As I’ve pulled all of this material together into the one place, and have arranged and rearranged it, the themes of coherence, coördination, and correlation stick out for me. I’m hoping that the same is true for anyone who stumbles upon it.

Anyway, even if that doesn’t happen, that’s okay, as I’ve really just made it for me.


Getting from there to here